About Me

I preserve your voice and style while identifying issues that could distract readers. I query you as needed to ensure my work supports your goals.

Sheryl Rapée-Adams Copyediting, LLC

I am a copyeditor who works with traditional and hybrid publishers and independent authors. I edit The Editor’s Query, a free monthly newsletter for freelance trade book editors, a publication of Editorial Arts Academy, where I received my training.

I provide client-centered copyediting.

With an emphasis on preserving author style and voice, I commit to serving you and your readers. My work ensures your work invites readers in without distractions.

I’m trained, educated, and committed to ongoing learning.

My intensive six-month trade book copyediting mentorship with Editorial Arts Academy complements three decades of professional communications and community organizing experience. Read about how I got from there to here in my post on the Editorial Arts Academy blog.

I have a BA in English, an MS in organizational leadership and management, and an MA in liberal studies. My literary sensibilities began in childhood, reading my parents’ sci-fi and fantasy book collection, joining them to watch Star Trek: The Original Series and the OG Doctor Who. My journey within was fueled by my uncle’s psychedelic record collection and books. When I was in eighth grade, Be Here Now by Ram Dass found me in a bookstore, and I delve into that same old beloved copy to this day.

What else?

Daily mindfulness practices, a thirty-year professional history as a wellness practitioner and teacher, and twenty-plus years of vegan living keep me pointed toward doing the most good and least harm for the long-term well-being of all. And yes, I love cats that much and more.

I am a massage therapist and teacher of evidence-based breathwork, which I blog about at massagevermont.com.

My husband Chris and I manage a collectively tended community garden on our lawn, where twenty families grow food and flowers together to feed each other and our community. I blog about it at thegardenat485elm.org.

Sheryl Rapée-Adams, Copyeditor (headshot)
Editorial Arts Academy trade book copyediting badge of completion

Sources I work with include The Chicago Manual of Style (17th edition), Merriam-Webster online, and house style guides.

I love words. Let me care for yours.

Let's talk.

Email me at sheryl(at)rapee-adams.com—replacing "(at)" with the @ symbol—or complete the contact form below.